Automate Customer Email Flows


This project aims to automate two customer email flows that happen during account sign-up: email verification and newsletter opt-in. The implementation uses Whimsical to map out the flow and Mailchimp’s Customer Journey to define and implement the solution.

Customer Flows

During account sign-up, a new customer is given an option to use their email (vs. a phone number) as both their primary means of identification and communication.

If the customer chooses email, the following flows are triggered:

Email Verification

  1. A customer is asked to validate their email
  2. Once sign up is complete (and an account has been created), a verification email is sent to the customer
  3. Once the customer verifies their email, an email verification check mark is reflected on their account
  4. A customer receives up to three email verification requests before the email requests stop and the account remains unverified

Newsletter Opt-in

Newsletter Opt-in. The user is given the option to sign up to marketing newsletters by ticking a checkbox. If the checkbox is ticked after they complete creating their account, they are added to the newsletter distribution.

  • Newsletter Opt-in.
  • The user is given the option to sign up to marketing newsletters by ticking a checkbox. If the checkbox is ticked after they complete creating their account, they are added to the newsletter distribution.

Tool Kit

  • Whimsical. This is the diagramming tool used to model the newsletter opt-in and email verification sub-flows.
  • Mailchimp. This is the solution for sending out verification requests to unverified user emails and for handling marketing newsletters. There are two audiences, one that targets consumers (or the B2C vertical) and another targets business end-users (B2B).
  • Go: Proprietary SaaS solution that integrates with Mailchimp.



1: Model User Flows

User flows are modeled in Whimsical to visualize how sub-flows connect and impact each other, and to surface potential gaps in the journey. Below are a couple of diagrams for these sub-flows.

2: Map Customer Journey on Mailchimp

This is a sample of a customer journey (under the Consumer audience). After the customer journeys have been mapped out, technical details (such as journey IDs and step IDs) are documented and sent to Engineering for the in-house development / integration.